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Best of EMYS : the weekly review (week 26)

Updated: Jul 23, 2022

Dear EMYS' friends! You are a vibrant community & following what you do with your robots is a truly inspiring experience! We love sharing the best of your news weekly here on our blog and we hope you enjoy the scroll through this article too.

The 25th Anniversary of Leonardo School

That was big! A truly great event took place this week - the 25th Anniversary of Leonardo School. EMYS and Leonardo School (LS) have been partners from the very beginning when in 2019 this chain of schools were our very first early adopters with the first series of EMYS' prototypes. During the anniversary event, we did not only celebrate together, but our new project EMYSverse Classroom was introduced to the school owners as well. We are grateful for their enthusiasm for this new dimension of learning and thrilled to confirm that LS have became our partner in this pilot project.

“EMYS ❤️❤️❤️. We really like each other. Working together is a great pleasure.”

Thank you Kasia Dolhun! It's an honour for EMYS to accompany you during your amazing classes. You and EMYS are perfect match!

“A bit of ENGLISH with our friend - EMYS.”

Oh, just a little? Kids looks truly involved - amazing! This is exactly the reason why we created EMYS.

“Today was a great day - our first meeting with EMYS.”

It sounds like the begining of an amazing adventure with EMYS. It's really cool that EMYS is helping kids learn English in music school. So great that, EMYS can make more and more friends.

“Open the door to the bilingual future of your child. And make it to be his favourite one.”

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed - no comments needed. Thank you💕.

Dear EMYS Community, it is simply amazing to see what you do with EMYS and all the places you take it to. Thank you so much for being so active, fun & creative!! We love it! We also hope to feature you here next week again, so whatever you do, remember to take pictures, make videos and tag #EmysRobot / @emysrobot in your social media posts. We will see you next week and until than, keep playing, keep learning, keep loving… spreading the joy of learning English always with your EMYS around, of course!

That's all folks! See you next week!

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