To właśnie Twoja zdolność do nieszablonowego myślenia, podejście oparte na pasji do edukacji najmłodszych, działanie poza schematami codzienności sprawiły, że wybrałeś EMYS do swojego domu lub szkoły. Nie boisz się eksperymentować i podejmować świadomych decyzji, w oparciu o najlepsze rozwiązania. Podstawą rozwoju Twojej działalności jest nastawienie na sukces i my chcemy być jego częścią!
Wspominaliśmy już o tym, a wraz z nowym rokiem szkolnym chcemy powtórzyć naszą ekskluzywną propozycję, zapraszając Cię do grona certyfikowanych partnerów lub agentów sprzedażowych EMYS. To idealny scenariusz, w którym nic nie tracisz, a wiele możesz zyskać.
Jako certyfikowany przedstawiciel EMYS otrzymasz autoryzację do sprzedaży EMYS oraz możliwość zarobienia do 15% prowizji, ponadto:
zaproszenia do projektów pilotażowych
zaproszenia do round tables oraz innych wydarzeń biznesowych EMYS
personalizowane kupony rabatowe
pierwszeństwo w otrzymywaniu nowinek od EMYS
darmowe gadżety i prezenty od EMYSwersum dla najbardziej zaangażowanych przedstawicieli
możliwość wykorzystania scenariuszy na wydarzenia z EMYSem
dostęp do strefy VIP z wysokiej jakości materiałami marketingowymi i innymi dodatkowymi materiałami o EMYS
certyfikat licencjonowanego partnera lub agenta EMYS
Zapraszamy do współpracy!
FAQ Partners & Agents
What are the advantages for EMYS authorised Partners & Agents?
How do my sales efforts materialize into financial gains with EMYS?
What are the main risks in entering authorized Partner and Agent programmes?
1. What is the definition of EMYS authorized Partner?
EMYS authorized Partner is an institution or a registered business that has their headquarters / showroom / school easily accessible to public and owns at least one EMYS robot. EMYS authorized Partner is certified by EMYS Inc. or their local representative to sell EMYS as well as earns up to 15% of commission sales of EMYS educational product range. Other extra benefits for authorized Partners include:
Invitations to pilot projects;
Invitations to round tables and other events;
Personal Discount codes;
"First to know" access to news and information;
Free gadgets and gifts from the universe of EMYS in exchange for sales points;
Free EMYS events scenarios;
Access to VIP space with plenty of quality marketing materials and other free extra information about EMYS;
Licensed Partner Certificate.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
2. What is the definition of EMYS authorized Agent?
EMYS authorized Agent is a person who is willing to represent EMYS on an assigned territory for sales purposes and who owns at least one EMYS robot. EMYS authorized Agent is certified by EMYS Inc. or their local representative to sell EMYS as well as earns up to 15% of commission sales of EMYS educational product range. Other extra benefits for authorized Agents include:
Invitations to pilot projects;
Invitations to round tables and other events;
Personal Discount codes;
"First to know" access to news and information;
Free gadgets and gifts from the universe of EMYS in exchange for sales points;
Free EMYS events scenarios;
Access to VIP space with plenty of quality marketing materials and other free extra information about EMYS;
Licensed Agent Certificate.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
3. Am I eligible to become EMYS authorized Partner?
It is your ability to think outside the box, your passion-driven approach and your forward thinking nature that made you chose EMYS for your home or your school. You take informed decisions based on what you consider best. Purpose is probably at the core of your business growth and at EMYS, we want to be part of it!
If you own an institution or a business and own at least one EMYS, you are eligible to become EMYS authorized partner.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
4. Am I eligible to become EMYS authorised Agent?
It is your ability to think outside the box, your passion-driven approach and your forward thinking nature that made you chose EMYS for your home or your school. You take informed decisions based on what you consider best. Purpose is probably at the core of your business growth and at EMYS, we want to be part of it!
If you are willing to represent EMYS on an assigned territory for sales purposes and own at least one EMYS robot, let us know and we were verify your eligibility.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
5. What is the difference between EMYS Partner & EMYS Agent?
While both EMYS authorized Partner & Agent are passionate & forward thinking professionals, EMYS authorized Partner has their headquarters / showroom / school easily accessible to public where they can showcase EMYS while EMYS authorized Agent is a person who represents EMYS on an assigned territory for sales purposes and is willing to move within their zone in order to showcase EMYS to potential new owners. Both Partner & Agent can recruit new potential buyers themselves or chose to be contacted by EMYS Inc. or a local representative if a prospect EMYS owner manifests themselves within their region and requires a presentation of the robot.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
6. How do I join EMYS authorized Partner / Agent programme?
Becoming EMYS authorized Partner or Agent is a perfect win-win scenario where you are sure to gain and you have nothing to lose!
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here . Following your application, we will verify your eligibility and let you know within a week if a contract with your name on is ready to be signed.
7. What are the advantages for EMYS authorized Partners & Agents?
As EMYS certified representative you will not only get the authorisation to sell EMYS as well as the chance to earn up to 15% of commission sales of EMYS educational product range, but you will also get such extra benefits as:
Invitation to pilot projects;
Invitation to round tables and other events;
Personal Discount codes;
"First to know" access to news and information;
Free gadgets and gifts from the universe of EMYS in exchange for sales points;
Free EMYS events scenarios;
Access to VIP space with plenty of quality marketing materials and other free extra information about EMYS;
Licensed Partner Certificate.
We truly look forward to seeing your business grow with your purpose-driven approach!
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
8. Can I make of the EMYS sales my main source of income?
We like to believe that you do indeed! The better your performance, the more you earn and the better opportunities will open to you within our Partner and Agent network. As with everything you do, finding your way around your sales will probably not happen over night, but if you accept to build your sales Agent notoriety and stay available for whenever we call you with prospect presentation options, you should be able to make your living on playing with (… sorry! Selling…) EMYS on daily basis.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
9. Can I join the programme for the sake of the advantages other than the financial benefits from sales?
Would it surprise you if we told you that the first commandement of EMYS Inc. is "Above all: don't sell!"? You are probably surprised! And yet, we truly believe that EMYS needs no sales or marketing skills to be purchased. What is required of the person presenting EMYS to the potential new owners is their passion for teaching with EMYS and the in depth understanding of the added value of the robot they own themselves. The above being said, even if you believe you do not have any sales skills or you simply do not wish you spend time recruiting new customers for EMYS, you can still join our programme. As long as you agree that we give you a call once in a while informing you there is a prospect EMYS family in your region and suggesting that you do the presentation (that you can refuse) for them, you can be part of our programme and benefit from all the other advantages listed for our Partners and Agents alike.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
10. As an authorized Partner or Agent, am I responsible for after sales service?
You are not legally responsible for the after sales service. As an authorized Partner or Agent you will probably be the first one that the person who purchased their EMYS from will turn to. This being said, you are free to chose whether you wish to respond to them directly or to direct them to the service concerned within EMYS Inc. or a local partner.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.
11. How do my sales efforts materialize into financial gains with EMYS?
Each time you sell anything from the universe of EMYS and our products, you earn on commission fee. The functioning of this system is straightforward and allows for earnings from 5 to 15% of the purchase worth. When you become an authorized sales Partner of Agent, you will be given dicount coupons that are unique to your Partner / Agent profile. Each time that a coupon with your name is used in our online store, you will earn your comission fee. A bonus? You can use your cupons for your own purchases in our online store too!
Are you interested to know how this works in depth?
Apply for joining the programme: fill in the sign up form here and we will forward you with all the relevant information.
12. Do I need to sell to be an authorized Partner or Agent?
Technically you do not need to make sales to sign a Partner or Agent contract with us and benefit from Partner / Agent advantages. Upon signing the agreement you will agree, thought, that our Headquarters may reach out to you if some prospect owners of EMYS demand a presentation of the robot within your area. Shall you accept the presentation and your presentation be successful, you will give away your coupon and earn on commission fee on your sale.
Are you interested to know how this works in depth?
Apply for joining the programme: fill in the sign up form here and we will forward you with all the relevant information.
13. What are the main risks in entering authorized Partner and Agent programmes?
The major risk is that you… actually earn something by unexpected & easy sales pitch to some prospect EMYS owners that we will have sent your way. Indeed, those who demand to see EMYS in person usually follow up with a purchase - as an owner of EMYS you probably see what we are talking about.
Another risk? You will become part of a forward thinking & passionate community of Partners & Agents and you might start enjoying it. Whatever your strengths are, EMYS community might wish to leverage on it and you might be able to start earning much more than you have expected when joining the programme at the start.
Last but not least, it is a risky business as you will get closer to the teams that bring EMYS as a product to life and will be able to influence the shape of future EMYS. Who would want to have their imprint on the future of education, right?!
… are you laughing? If so, you should definitely join us!
This is "no risk, all gain" kind of deal for you and we are extremely excited to present it to you.
Joining the programme is simple: fill in the sign up form here.